
The Best Logistic App

Marketplace, orders management, shipping planner and multiple tools to boost your e commerce

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Enjoy, the application is developed in such a way that by interacting with it you can see and feel how friendly it is.


You can adapt the application according to the requirements of your customers and the need of your electronic commerce.


You can breathe easy, the private data of your e-commerce are safeguarded by the security of Google Cloud Platform.

Start selling now!

Everything customers are looking for is here

Selling your products everywhere is easy and fast. You can receive sales in minutes thanks to the integration of the appeStore(marketplace) with theCRMmodule ofeLogistic(app for sellers)

listRegister your inventory

price-tagCreate your sales promotions And ready!

online-shopYour promotions will be published in the appeStore marketplace

openYou will have your own store and you will be able to share your goods catalog!


Take control of your e-commerce!

Connect your work team, processes and data

eLogistic. HasERPandCRMmodules that facilitates the interaction of its work team with the supply chain, improving productivity and enhancing the satisfaction of its sales and customers

Analyze the results of your e-commerce based on the data

Automate and optimize your team's daily tasks

Connect and improve the efficiency of your entire team and supply chain

Monitor your finances, check your sales income and your billing status from the application


No more delays!

Customize schedules and delivery method to your customers

Manage your shipments from one app.eLogistic. connect the appeStorewitheDriverthe collective app of independent couriers or delivery companies that will do the work for you.

Organize and plan your shipments, manage an immediate delivery, or allow the scheduling of delivery by your customers from eStore

Automate, in a matter of minutes, a partnereDriverwill carry out the withdrawal of the orders and then make the delivery on the scheduled date and time to the address of your customers

Send alerts and notifications of the status of the orders by WhatsApp message or email to your customers

You and your customers can see the status and location of the shipment in real time


You can breathe easy

We innovate the way you receive payments

IneLogisticwe integrate the most secure systems to receive money from your sales more easily and quickly.

We use the payment methods that customers like the most

Debit or credit cards

Through URL and QR codes

Online bank transfer

Cash on delivery


Let's start!

Be part of those who are revolutionizing their e-commerce

Start to selling
  • 1
    Create an Account

    You can use your email or login with:




  • 2
    A register for everything

    Your account will be available to use our all apps.




  • 3
    And Ready!

    You can buy, sell, see the status of shipments, and if you are a courier account, you will start receiving delivery orders throughout your city.

    eLogisticis for everyone!

  • 20 Goods
  • 2 Warehouses
  • 10 Promotions
  • 3 Team members
  • Additional services
  • Priority Support
PREMIUM USD$99/ month
  • 2000 Goods
  • 200 Warehouses
  • 1000 Promotions
  • 200 Team members
  • Additional services
  • Priority Support

What are ERP systems?

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) works on the exchange of information between departments and the control thereof, helping to reduce production costs, control of stock and storage, supervision of sales (not in the management of the same, but for example in seeing which products are the best sellers), control of invoices and administration of accounts or payroll. In other words, an ERP controls a large part of the internal processes of a company, for example, by giving inputs to the production department about the best-selling products and at the same time sharing information with the financial department about costs, benefits, etc.

How are shipping rates calculated?

In most cities, the cost is calculated before your customer confirms their purchase. This rate is added to the final net price of the purchase.
We present some factors that may affect the price of the shipment.

The base rate is determined according to the duration and distance of the shipping trip.

In your city, a fixed rate can be added to each trip to help cover operational, regulatory and security costs.

When the number of users requesting a shipment exceeds the number of available courier partners, prices are temporarily increased until the balance between supply and demand is restored.

What are CRM systems?

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) it is a tool does affect the relationship with customers and the external processes in order to order customer information, put it in the center of the company, help in the management or commercial monitoring and to be able to draw up both sales and marketing strategies.
CRM refers to a business model that seeks to identify the most valuable leads for the company and manage their relationships in an efficient and decisive way in order to achieve not only the sale but loyalty customers.

When is the invoice issued and what payment methods do you accept?

The invoice is issued the first week of the month following the month invoiced and the payment has a maximum term of 30 days from the issue.

Payment methods are accepted by credit or debit card, once the data of your card or bank account is registered, the charge will be generated automatically every month.

The additional personalized services, such as in house and the commercial assistant, will be added to the price of your subscription at the moment of issuing your invoice, as well as the prices of the shipments of your sales that you have selected the option of charge to your account, of otherwise the rate will be assigned to the sale price as a charge for the shipping service for your customer.

Progressive web app

Take your e-commerce in your pocket
eLogisticis also available for your mobile phone

perspective phone

Compatible with the main mobile operating systems

icon icon icon

*Works on iOS 10.0.5+, Android Kitkat and above

Ofic. 1002, Marchant Pereira 150, Providencia, Chile

Orders tracking